Japan Jewelry Fair 2013 was held from August 27th to 29th for 3 days at the Tokyo Big Sight.

Intense heat or sudden heavy rain continued in Japan, in a condition to be called abnormal whether which was not seen in previous years, and it was not the situation that can expect consumption. Jewelry show had started in this circumstance, and it was thought that it would be helpful in considering the trends in the industry in the future. As this exhibition targeted domestic market which was the intention of the sponsor, and tried to liven up it without inviting buyers from foreign countries, consequently there seemed to be considerably fewer buyers from abroad. But despite the intention of the sponsor, it seemed that domestic buyers also attended less than expectation, due to the economic slowdown.We felt some vigor on the first day, but the exhibition became very quiet from the next day.

The trend of this time, visitors were concentrated at companies that incorporate merchandise which was researched thoroughly for retail vendor in Japan, or at companies incorporate merchandise which overseas buyers really wanted.

However, military intervention by the U.S. & Britain, in the alleged chemical weapons used by Syria that took place during the exhibition, was concerned about by companies dealing merchandise for overseas. Then Japanese yen, considered as safe assets, was bought and having become 96 yen against 1 dollar. It was a major setback. Furthermore, Indian market was upset about the Food Security Act on 27th, approved by the government to provide food such as rice to the poor at the very low price.Then Rupee recorded the lowest in the foreign exchange market, and rate of decline was biggest in 18 years. This also affected our industry, led the diamond price to decline in Indian market, and discouraged buyers to purchase export items.

I felt that buyers were very severe at this jewelry show. However, in the sense that the meaning of “severe” does not interpret reduction in appetite, explains “purchase only sellable items”. Probably purchase amount, reviewed per every buyer, was larger than normal. It is expected that our business would become more stringent, but we will continue to strive to grasp future trend, and to meet your expectation. At the end, we would like to express our gratitude to everyone who visited us at this fair.