Hong Kong International Jewelry Manufactures’ Show was held at the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre from 28/11/2013 to 01/12/2013 for 4 days.

There is only a month left this year, the matter of economic concern still rises in some countries and the world economy seems not to grow upward. Looking at Europe, the financial crisis problems which arose from Greece influenced Italy and Spain, these countries are on the sluggish economy still, but the tension of Europe whole over the debt crisis is starting to ease gradually.

Also in the United States, Congress became complicated by a financial problem and the government agencies had been forced to temporarily close because the budget did not pass, and yet the rise in stock prices, the employment and a house market showed steady movement. The budget might dry up, and possibility to cause the default (suspending the interest payment of American government bonds) was concerned about. In China, real GDP declined to 7.5% from 8%, and fear of economic slowdown had been spread all over the world. Emerging countries reacted to monetary easing postponement problem in the United States, the national currency became depreciation and the economy had been slowing down.

However, it seems like that Korean economy is most worried about right now. The economic recession turned up in many field, such as employment, consumption, investment, export, and a stock price, and so on. Especially strong won have bad influence to exporting companies, moreover consumer price have been declining in past 6 months. It seems Korea fell into deflation (economy stagnant caused by the consumer price that do not rise). I have a feeling that regional disparity seemed to begin to appear over 2013 from late 2012. The United States and Japan found signs of demodulation, on the other hand, the euro zone cannot grow out of recession yet, and disparities in economic trends are becoming spreading gradually.

The Dow Jones industrial was carried on the $ 16,000 level for the first time in the New York stock market on 21st, and it is strongly believed that business confidence index of manufacturing industry improve and the economy recover gradually. It seems to be proved by the Nikkei Stock Average recorded a high level since the beginning of the year on 26th. However, the world economy still seems like in the sluggish state. Disparities in economic trends are becoming spreading gradually in 2013, and it is important to keep eyes on the country which break out of recession.

And I felt that a word referred to as ”disparity” seemed very true at this show. There were many buyers from the first day, but I felt that they had been bipolarized. Some buyers had looked for every interesting item, no matter what it was, but the other buyers had looked for only items which were not in their stock. The world economy is still sluggish overall, each buyer said, but very active companies still exist among them, and the difference in buying power was quite noticeable. I received the impression that buyers’ selection was roughly the same; the powerful buyers did buy it, even though it was expensive than what they thought, but the other buyers had hesitated.

In this exhibition, popular exhibitors were flooded with buyers every day, but unpopular exhibitors did not have many visitors from the first day of the show. I also felt the “disparity” to see above situation. This was the last exhibition, and there were many events and exhibitions in this year. We are glad to finish with a lot of success by your good support. And, we are full of gratitude. We will strive to meet your expectations, and are looking forward to see you at our booth next year.Again, thank you for your royal patronage throughout this year.