We had exhibited at 25th International Jewelry Tokyo was held at the Tokyo Big Sight from 22/01/2014 to 25/01/2014 for 4 days.
Last year was the year that changed in various ways. Bold fiscal stimulus and monetary policy was carried out in response to Abenomics, then high stock, correction of the yen appreciation was actualized and the divided Diet was solved.Furthermore, nomination of Tokyo Olympics was running in Japan’s favor.

Since the beginning of this year, it seems that the rush demand in anticipation of a consumption tax hike in April is outstanding. New Year’s sale (electronics shops, department stores, etc.) of retail giant appeared to be strong. And it seemed that income and profit were increased in many companies. Looking at this trend since the New Year, the growth rate would be expected high from January to March by the special factor of rush demand, mainly in daily necessities. On the other hand, the growth rate would be expected to become lower from April to June by the counter reaction. But I think it would be very important to grasp the trend of Japanese consumer after July.

Monetary problem still continues in the U.S., and it has become the big issue whether reduction of quantitative easing advanced smoothly or not. Though increase in interest rates will not come soon, the composition of high stock prices by the prolongation of the relaxation is predicted to collapse as reduction of quantitative easing advances. Emerging countries with current-account deficit which relied on the funds generated by monetary easing would suffer from depreciation of their currencies. Inflation caused by the duplication of their currencies would make emerging countries fluster and this might influence the world economy as well. Since it might give a major impact on our industry, this inflation problems in emerging countries might be able to say the biggest problem in 2014.

Area which influences most to the world economy is moving toward to Asian region from Europe and the U.S.. And the boundaries between countries seem to be disappeared, due to the rapid social changes in globalization or internet society. To have a world view or to have ability of keeping up with rapid change might be the key factor to survive as one of the main company in the future.

However IJT, the biggest exhibition in japan, was held under these circumstances, but it was crowded with many visitors from the first day. Domestic buyers seemed to look for bargain sale items, aimed at rush demand for consumption tax hike at April.And foreign buyers looked for items which they felt inexpensive compared to the world market price, because price of merchandise became high in the world due to the inflation but the price is still low in Japan because of the deflation.

At our booth, diamond products were sold to the domestic market, and colored-stone products were sold to the foreign market. And it was clear trend. Colored-stone products were not popular among domestic buyers as usual. But, surprisingly, there seemed to be a lot of domestic buyers who had bought expensive diamond products at this show. To foreign market, we have sold colored-stone products mainly, but we had the strong impression that they were really craving for the rare items. When we looked at the exhibition hall, most of the booth was full of the buyers and we felt upswing in economy.

We have finished this exhibition with a lot of success and we thank you all for your patronage throughout a year. We will exhibit at 8 more shows in this year and hope to see you at our booth. Again, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who visited our booth. Thank you!