We had exhibited at the 19th International Jewelry Kobe which was held at the Kobe Convention Center from 13/03/2015 to 15/03/2015 for 3 days.

Downturn of domestic consumption in Japan and slowdown of economic growth in the emerging countries including China has been continuing. Based on these reasons, IJK was expected to be sluggish. But it began in a way that betrays expectations. Although the decrease in the number of visitors had been expected, IJK was crowded with many buyers from the first day. As a result, there were more buyers this year than last year.

One of the primary factor was the organizer did focused on mobilization strengthening; invited 700 overseas buyers and provided the pavilion of new category in the newly established venue.Our company also had been benefited, and there were many visitors at our booth from the first day. I did have an impression that the purchase willingness of Chinese buyers had been slowed since the beginning of this year, but the atmosphere was much different. Not only the Chinese buyers but also the other foreign buyers had strong purchasing motivation. I conceive that the inflation or the shortage of quotient materials in foreign countries is a cause. The numbers of overseas buyers who are willing to purchase from the Japanese companies have been increasing due to the weak yen; weak yen pushes the sense of undervalued Japanese materials.

In addition, I believe that the gap of the market price between Japan and foreign countries is the one of the factors.Previously, emerald had been sold a lot due to the reason above. But as the selling price came close to the overseas market price, sales amount had reduced. Recent Japanese market has a strong tendency to be driven by overseas market. So, we have to observe the tendency of foreign buyers very carefully. During this show, especially, sales of the Burma ruby were predominating at our booth, and it made us believe that the sign of price rise of the Burma ruby. But not only the Burma ruby, also the diamond products was sold well too. However, the sale of the diamond product seemed to be good, besides ruby, at this exhibition. Also, other exhibitor told us that there were many visitors and the business went well.

IJk 2015 was finished with good success unexpectedly. But it is still too early to have peace of mind. International financial Market was destabilized by currency turmoil of Fragile 5; this was triggered by the plunge of Argentina peso. Also Russia is experiencing the biggest crisis which is caused by currency depreciation, rise in interest rate and economic sanction, after the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers. It has been rumored that if China’s economic growth goes dull quickly, international financial crisis might occur from the emerging countries, due to the demand decrease of export to China.

Japanese economy shows the weakness in real economy by seeing at the business contraction of the large famous companies, too. However, I believe that it is possible to overcome if we try and challenge with fresh reformation. New exhibitors had been finished IJK 2015 with a great success by trying something new, then they looked very fresh to the eyes of overseas buyers.

In order not to make our client bored, we promise to strive very hard by fresh reform. We are looking forward to see you again at the next exhibition. We have much gratitude to those who visited us at IJK 2015.
Thank you and see you soon.