2nd International Jewelry Tokyo Autumn was held at Ikebukuro Sunshine City from 01/10/2014 to 03/10/2014 for 3 days.

I felt that the atmosphere of the venue was oppressive compared to the September Hong Kong Jewellery & Gem Fair which had been held 1 week before. Diffusion index that shows business confidence had improved 13% in the large manufacturers in last 6 months, but it seemed that Japan’s economy after tax increase had become worse. Exhibition was not so impressive from the 1st day, and it seemed to have less visitors compared to the last year. Organizer’s catchphrase was ”the best timing to purchase for the year end sale”, but many people said that it was premature. They said that it was not the timing to buy and the show should be close to the end of the year, if we thought about Japan’s weak economy.

Also, it seemed less foreign buyers had attended, compared to the previous shows. One of the reasons was that the buyers who had attended at the Hong Kong show did not show up. Also, less number of Chinese buyers had attended at the show, because of the Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China which was started from 01/10 for 7 days. Under this situation, weak yen at $1 against 110 yen, depreciation of the yen for the first time in 6 years and 1 month on Oct 1st, did not have much effect.

I think that, overall, this show was not so successful. But some people did regard as a chance. Our industry is experiencing the lack of sale able merchandise/ This show was a good chance and the place to buy, for the buyer who could sense what would become less and less on the market. It seemed that these buyers had purchased more than before.

We live in a fast-changing environment, and it seems that our industry changes almost every month. We learned a lot from the buyers who visited our booth with positive thing. We thank you all and are looking forward to meet you at the next exhibition.